Friday, June 6, 2008


A while back I left the following tirade on the Feedback section of my friend Miles' website, but I have now decided to post it here because no one reads the Feedback section of Miles' website:

From: Everything that's wrong with society, and why it's your fault.

Everyone pays too much tax these days. Why? Because the working class (that’s me, plus a few other people) foot the bill for lazy humanities students who are good at writing endless essays about nothing but will never become useful in the real world. That includes you!

We both know you’ll skip the country when the HECS bill arrives. Just give us a break.

And another thing. I always just miss my train. Every day. If I come 5 minutes early, it leaves 5 minutes and 10 seconds early. If I’m late, same story. I know you’re involved somehow!

The train service stinks. Always has and always will. And what have you done about it?? Nothing!

Some people blame City Rail. I know better.

All these things make God angry. All I can say is you’re part of the problem. I wouldn’t want to be you on Judgment day.

This website is bullshit. I can’t make head nor tail of the front page, and it only gets worse if I’m foolhardy enough to venture into those other sections. Most of them seem to be packed with your extreme anti-abortion views. I wish I was making this stuff up.

It’s just all very hard to read, especially for someone who’s blind. Have you considered adding Braille? I’d wager you haven’t!

Just forget your website for a moment. Sit down and listen to what I’m telling you. Get a real job. Something in the mining industry. That’s where the big money is.

In conclusion, if I were a lumberjack, I’d chop your house down.

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